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Lifestores Healthcare

Countries Nigeria / United Kingdom / Mauritius
Beneficiaries/Impact    As of now, Lifestores serves more than 100,000 patients every month. The majority of their patients are women.
Project Description 

Lifestores manages and is affiliated with a number of pharmacies and runs health programs in Lagos, Nigeria. Pharmacies are at the forefront of healthcare in emerging economies, but often sell expensive, counterfeit medicines and offer low quality customer service. Lifestores’ dispensary network includes their own pharmacies, their affiliate pharmacies, and hospitals and clinics. Their system is enabled by their technology “PharmIQ”, which offers retail point of sale software, a B2B group purchasing platform, easy-access business financing, and numerous end-client services. They are able to offer medicines at fair prices by partnering with trusted manufacturers and distributors and then transferring their discounted prices to their patients.

Lifestores is working towards fully integrating this digital pharmacy platform in their operations in order to democratize access to primary healthcare and make pharmacies in Africa accessible, affordable, and reliable.

Legal Assistance Lifestores has requested assistance with corporate structure, partnership and client contracts, and Series A fundraising.